
Welcom to my portflio

Joly Sylvain
Software engineer
Web fullstack & Mobile

I'm Sylvain

I currently work as Software engineer for SMEs mainly with recent technologies.
In addition to web development, i also work on native mobile applications Android, IOS and hybrid via React-native. On my free times, i play videos games and and work on my personal project of creating my own online video games and improve my skills in computer science.

Years Experience
Mobile Projects Completed
Web Projects Completed
trial projects

What I Did

My Projects


Implementation of an web / mobile ( Android SDK ) applications / API, Javascript fullstack ( Node.js / AngularJS )
With a team composed of 3 developpers, 3 designers and 2 business, we made a meeting point for any video games pro / amateur players


I made 1 API ( Symfony / PHP ) and 1 Hybrid Mobile application (React-native). This one allow users to create pictures albums, upload personnals pictures, and search pictures from another users.

Blog / CMS

I made one blog / dashboard admin system with Symfony 3.4 ( PHP 7 / MySQL ). This is a basic blog, with an admin dashboard, allow admin to manage the content automaticly.

Leboncoin remastered

I remade the famous e-business application "Leboncoin" for IOS platform with IOS SDK & Swift 4.

Tasks automation

I created an GUI / Shell with Node.js, Bash script, MongoDB, C, AWS, Docker to automate painful and recurrent tasks, such as S3 bucket upload, zip / unzip files for and from bucket AWS, generate dockerfile, generate logs files, update / remove / import / dump dev database . . .

Morocco Tourism Fez

i made Web application (ReactJS) and API (Symfony 4.1 / PHP 7.2 / PostgreSQL ). Main purpose is the developement of Morocco and especially in Fez city. Users are allowed to book, organize their trips and ask for more informations about touristics activities

magical ? not really

My Skills

Sylvain had mostly help me for remake the C.E website with CMS Drupal ( PHP ). He shows a real interest in programming and autonomy and never hesitates to question himself what makes the collaboration pleasant !

Author image
Neungruetai Kumnong Biotech Engineer, CNRS

In collaboration for the launch of our site, Sylvain was very useful and was able to answer all the technical problems encountered successfully. Motivated, available and friendly, Sylvain is one of the best developer with whom I could work.

Author image
Merryl J. CEO, Morocco Tourism Fez

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